Sadboy Salts Custard Cookie 30ml is a delectable, dessert-inspired e-liquid that combines the rich, creamy flavor of vanilla custard with the warm, freshly baked taste of buttery cookies. The custard offers a smooth, velvety sweetness, while the cookie adds a deliciously baked, slightly caramelized flavor, creating the perfect balance of indulgent flavors that will satisfy your sweet tooth with every puff.
Formulated with nicotine salts, this e-liquid provides a smooth throat hit and fast nicotine absorption, making it ideal for use with pod systems and low-wattage devices. The 30ml bottle ensures you have enough juice for a long-lasting vaping experience.
Whether you’re a fan of dessert flavors or simply enjoy a sweet, comforting vape, Sadboy Salts Custard Cookie offers a rich and satisfying experience that’s perfect for all-day vaping.